We take our business very seriously, we really do. We strive at all times to be the very best at everything we undertake - we respect and appreciate the professionalism of the businesses that we work for, and the people they employ to represent them too. But that doesn't mean we have to act as if we have a poker up our you-know-what all the time. We're professionals, yes - but we're human beings too! We enjoy our work so (and maybe because) we like to have a little fun occasionally while we're doing it. We'd love it if you'd join in - we believe having fun is good for the corporate soul!
Sometimes we all allow our minds to imagine what it would be like if we could throw caution to the wind every now and then - to cast off the shackles of other people's expectations and just, well, go for it! I know I do anyway!
The serious answer to 'What's your role in StvdioExpert?' is that I'm responsible for all our marketing and communications output. But the not-so-serious answer is that I'm quite often irresponsible for acting (unpaid and unwittingly) as Head of Unusable Ideas. Like this one....
The thinking behind the idea (if you could call it thinking) was this:
If you want to avoid the sharks out there, you need a better philosophy than
"Just keep swimming - just keep swimming!"
But, you see what I mean - it's unusable! To begin with, whoever heard of a character called 'Ossawyb'? Sounds like a rather 'queer fish' to me!
And they'll never allow it to grace the pages of Broadcast magazine in a million years for fear of invoking the wrath of Hollywood (as in LA, not Bake-Off).
That would never do!
Just a minute... sorry... I've got to go! There are two guys knocking on my door - one of them looks like a bailiff, but the other Disney....
Andy Jones
PS I had to hold my breath for AGES modelling for the photo-shoot too!

then this...

First there was this...